The Coulterville Museum is only as strong as its Volunteers!  The NMCHC was founded by a dedicated group of volunteers, some of whom remain active. The entire museum is run by its Volunteers!

Join A Committee

Handy with a hammer or have a green thumb? Join the
Building or Landscaping Committee

Prefer to write rather than talk, or perhaps a flair for graphics? Join the
Publicity/Public Relations Committee

A good organizer or decorator? Join the
Accessions or Display Committee

Is reading your thing? Join the
Research Library Committee

New Docents Always Welcome!

If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a docent, contact the museum at 209-878-3015. The commitment is just 4 hours a month and you receive many benefits including getting to know a great group of dedicated volunteers and learning more about the history of our unique sliver of the west.

We hope you will join us!